Ugye mindenki tud a “nehezen” megszerezhető Magenta Crystalról. Pár napja Catch, a Prophecy of the Five szerverről megtalált még egy ritka színkristályt, a fehéret.
Kis idővel később kiderült, hogy valamilyen exploit folytán sikerült megkaparintania, ezért pár nappal később meg is érkezett a hivatalos válasz illetve megtorlás rá.
We’ve done some investigating and discovered that
CatchDeathwalker did not obtain the white crystal through legitimate
means in the game. Right now, we’re removing the crystal from his
possession, and we’re going to have some more information for you as
soon as possible about this situation (but don’t worry, we won’t post
any spoilers!).
We apologize for not responding to this thread sooner, but we needed to investigate the issue before commenting.
Természetesen erre mindenki elkezdett találgatni, hogy vajon direkt
csinálta-e vagy csak véletlenül. Bár a srác válltig állította hogy nem
exploitolt, Stephen Reid elárulta, hogy véletlenül ezt nem lehetett volna megszerezni, illetve, hogy a kristálynak még benne se kéne lennie a játékban.
Hello everyone, I wanted to clarify a little on our actions here. Here’s the biggest question I wanted to address:
Originally Posted by Part_Time_Hero
in otherwords was it intentional ? or something anyone could have stubled upon which was not how bioware intended it to be found?
Unfortunately the actions of the player in question were intentional and deliberate. As well as the item being removed, further action was taken on this player’s account. This was not an ‘easy exploit’, and not something the average player might ’stumble upon’.
Beyond that, we will not be commenting further – either on the player’s method of obtaining the crystal or actions on their account.
Right now, it is not possible to legitimately obtain a White Lightsaber Crystal in the game through any gameplay method. In the future, it will be possible to legitimately obtain. When that day comes, we’ll let you know so you can go about obtaining the crystal for your characters.
Again, we apologize for not commenting sooner as our investigation was ongoing.