2012. február 23., csütörtök

1.1.4 Végleges Patch Note

Megcsúszva bár, de itt a tegnapi végleges 1.1.4-es patch notes. Fogyasszátok egészséggel. :)

  • The key formerly bound to /bug can now be mapped to any action and no longer opens the /bug window. The command is no longer able to be bound to a quickslot, but player can still type /bug in chat to open a new bug report.
  • Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability’s range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player.
    Imperial Agent
    • Medical Therapy: Kolto Probe and Recuperative nanotech will now properly benefit from this skill.
      Bounty Hunter
    • Carbonize: PvP armor for Combat Tech will no longer prevent this skill from stunning enemies.
      Eternity Vault
  • Casting Mind Trap will no longer cause Soa to lose threat against his primary target.
    Karagga’s Palace
  • G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator now has fewer hit points in Normal Mode.
  • “Show Usable” now properly filters to only show equipable items.
  • Unlikely Allies: Resetting no longer requires players to abandon and re-acquire the mission in order to complete it.
  • Fixed a queue interface exploit that allowed players to bring additional players into a warzone. While imbalances can still happen under specific circumstances, the issue can no longer be intentionally triggered by players in this way.
    Alderaan Civil War
  • The Eastern Turret no longer fires twice under some circumstances when it is captured by the Imperials.
    World PvP
  • The /stuck comman will no longer teleport players to the location where they died.
  • Added a /version command.
  • Added several new preferences for cooldown appearance:
  • Show Ready Flash: Toggles a bright flash when an ability finishes cooldown.
    • Show Global Cooldown Ready Flash: Toggles a bright flash when an ability finishes global cooldown.
    • Cooldown Style: Changes the art style for the cooldown graphic.
    • Global Cooldown Style: Changes the art style for the global cooldown graphic.
    • Show Cooldown Timer: Toggles cooldown time text on top of the ability icon in the quickbar.
      Bug Fixes
    • Sorting will now function properly in the Guild Window.
  • Items placed in a quickbar are no longer removed when training abilities.
  • Using Shift + Right Click to split a stack of usable items will no longer cause the item to be used.
  • Some UI settings (such as quickbar lock, chat font size, and minimap zoom) will no longer reset upon area transition.
  • Players will no longer experience occasional disconnection when purchasing Crafting Materials from the GTN.