UPDATE: ha elkezdted telepíteni a patchet vagy teljesen felraktad, sajnos csak akkor tudsz ma játszani, ha újrarakod a játékot, vagy megvárod a holnapi élesítést (affene, pont beleestem, hogy lesz így fehér kristályom brühühü…
). Ha nem patcheltél, simán beléphetsz.
“Hey everyone, sorry for the brief confusion. Here’s what happened and how it affects you.
Some patch-related changes were
mistakenly deployed early. Luckily, these changes only affected
players for a very brief (less than 15-minute) window. We corrected
this unintentional change very quickly.
Here’s how it affects you:
If you started or completed the patch download, you have two options:
- If you want to continue playing today, you will need to restart your client and re-download the client
- If you want to wait until tomorrow and play when 1.2 is deployed to the servers, you can close your client and restart it tomorrow after the patch is deployed (approximately 8AM CDT).
We apologize for the confusion,
but only a very small number of players were affected by this
unintentional change. Thank you for your understanding.”
Figyelem: aki most (szerda este 7 óra körül) akar belépni a játékba, várjon egy kicsit, jön le a patch, de elvileg nem kellene…