2012. április 21., szombat

Esetleges Guild Szerver Transzfer: A Válasz!

Greetings Shabaam,

We understand that you would like to have your guild transferred to another server due to a low population on the server that you are currently on, however for the time being we don't offer service for guild transfer or character transfer yet.

We are glad to inform you though that in the coming months a paid character transfer will be available. Thus, you will have the chance to transfer your characters to any of your preferred server.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we still hope to see you in-game.

Should you require further assistance on this or any other issues, please contact us again at support@swtor.com.

Galactic Support is our specialty…


Greetings Andrew,

Thank you for contacting us requesting a possible server transfer. 

Unfortunately, at this time server transfer is not a service that we offer. While this may change in the future, currently we are unable to offer assistance with character transfer requests.

While we understand the frustration this may cause, we would like to assure you that we are doing our utmost to ensure that our players have the best possible game play experience, regardless of which server they play on. As such server population balance and composition is something which we are constantly monitoring.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you require further assistance with this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Galactic Support is our speciality…


Ezek szerint dolgoznak a szerver transzferen, ami pár hónap múlva életbe is lép. Ennek költsége feltehetően a havi díj ára lesz, ami kb. 3500Ft - 4000Ft.
A teljes guild transzfer jelenleg sajnos még nem lehetséges, így türelmesnek kell lennünk és várni. Ha létrejön a karaktertranszfer, majd visszatérünk erre a lehetőségre.