2012. április 20., péntek

Esetleges Guild Szerver Transzfer

Guildunk jövőbeni sikereinek érdekében felkerestem a SWTOR Guild Supportot. Mindannyian tudjuk, hogy milyen problémákkal  küzdünk, így meg kell próbálnunk lépni, hátha a BioWare megoldja a problémánkat, hiszen elmondásuk szerint Ők mindenkivel és mindennel törődnek.

A levél a következő volt:

Dear SWTOR Team,

My name is András Balázs Gallai, I am from Hungary. My player name is Shabaam, I am using the Ahto City EU server. I am the official spokesman of my clan ( Immortal Puppets – swtor-imm.blogspot.com ).

I apply to you for the resolving of a serious and special problem, I would appropriate your help.
The conditions of the Ahto City server are very poor, it is impossible to play normally. The population decreased, it is hard to play player versus player, and the Galactical Trade Marked do not work well. As the cause of the decreased population we cannot earn credits, our crafts became unnecessary. Most of the Hungarian players ended up playing, or they have started to play on another server. It is nearly impossible to make a group for smaller flashpoints. The planets are nearly empty, and the Imperial Fleet is extinct most of the day.
The members of my clan have to face a hard decision: moving to another server, or stop playing, which would be bad, because we love the game.
Most of us were beta-testers from the beginnings, and nearly everybody were pre-order subscriber.
I am afraid of the disintegration of my clan, we are worried. We do not want to play World of Warcraft again.

We had to make a decision, with this conditions we cannot exist on this server. We have to move to another server with our characters, or we have to stop playing. I am talking about approximately 25 people, more than 10 people have already left because of these cases.

We would like to ask you to let us move to another server, all of us. It is a serious request, but please try to understand us, we do not have to time for starting everything again, with new characters.

 I would ask you, as an official member of my clan, to think about the moving of my clan to another server. We would like the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server, where our clan could emerge again, and our playing would count again.

I remember that the Blizzard could do the whole guild server transfer. We were loyal and patient for you, but know in my opinion it is your turn.

 Please help us move to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server, or I am afraid we have to stop playing.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With great adoration,
Shabaam / Immortal Puppets Guild – Ahto City EU Server